Basic information about the III cycle of studies
In accordance with the legal provisions and the Rules of studying according to the Bologna Process, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics began the standardization procedures of the third cycle of studies in 2009, lasting three years, or 180 ECTS points.
Based on Article 56 of the Law on Higher Education, the revised text (Official Gazette of Sarajevo Canton, number: 22/10) was adopted by the Senate of the University of Sarajevo at its session held in 2010, and the Board of Directors of the University of Sarajevo at its 38th session held on 29.12. In 2010, he approved the Study Rules for the third cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo.
The third cycle leads to the academic title of Doctor of Science, lasts three years and is valued at 180 ECTS.

The first generation of students who graduated from the second cycle of studies at certain departments of the Faculty of Science appeared in the academic year 2010/2011. year. In accordance with this, the Faculty, based on the initiative of all departments, estimated that there is a need to start the third cycle of studies according to the Bologna system of studies, in order to achieve continuity in the teaching process and enable the vertical transfer of studies.
In the academic year 2011/2012. In 2012/2013, the first generation of third-cycle students in the field of mathematical sciences was enrolled. in the fields of biological and chemical sciences, and papers on the third cycle of studies in the fields of physical and geographical sciences were adopted. The first generation of third-cycle students at the Department of Geography was enrolled in the 2013/2014 academic year. year, and the following 2014/2015. year the teaching process has also started at the Department of Physics.
The beginning of studies in the III cycle of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics began with the educational and scientific program “Doctoral study of mathematical sciences in Southeastern Europe”, which was realized as part of the TEMPUS program, and, in addition to the Department of Mathematics, the Karl-Franzens Universities participated as partners ( Graz, Austria), St. Kliment Ohridski (Sofia, Bulgaria), Belgrade (Serbia), Luigj Gurakuqi (Shkadar, Albania), Tuzla and Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), St. Kiril and Metod (Skopje, Macedonia) and the University of Montenegro and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria).
The Department of Biology, with the largest number of enrolled students at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, successfully organized the II cycle of studies in five fields, which results in a significant interest of candidates to continue their doctoral education in the same educational field. It is very important to note that the directions of education practiced and promoted by the Department of Biology have a high pragmatic value. Based on the above, in 2012/2013 year the first generation of students of the 3rd cycle of biological sciences studies was enrolled, with 15 students enrolled in the fields of ecology, genetics, and microbiology.
Next academic year, in addition to the above, students in the fields of biochemistry and physiology are enrolled in the third cycle study, which means that the Department of Biology will be able to complete doctoral studies in all planned fields, with a total of 23 doctoral students. As of November 2016, 36 students attended the third cycle of doctoral studies at the Department of Biology, four of whom successfully defended their doctoral dissertations.
The first generation of second-cycle students graduated from the Department of Physics in the academic year 2011/2012. year. Accordingly, the Department of Physics has assessed that there is a need to start the III cycle of studies according to the Bologna system of studies, in order to achieve continuity in the teaching process and enable the vertical transfer of studies. In addition, there are masters of physical sciences, who completed their postgraduate studies according to the pre-Bologna study program, and who could also join the third cycle studies.
Department of Physics, in the academic year 2013/2014. In 2008, he prepared the Elaborate on the justification for starting the III cycle – a doctoral study in physical sciences with the theoretical physics study program with two specializations: atomic, molecular, and optical physics and physics of elementary particles. This document was adopted in the academic year 2014/2015 year.
According to the provisions of Art. 5. Study rules, for the III cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo, during the academic year 2010/11. yr., at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science, Sarajevo, appropriate preparations were made for the organization of the III cycle of studies for the directions of the teaching-scientific process of the II cycle of studies according to the Bologna principles.
The implementation of these activities continued during the 2012/13 academic year. years. A curriculum was created, curricula (modules) were defined for all subjects, and an Elaborate was prepared for starting the study program of the third cycle of studies. This fulfilled all the prerequisites for the beginning of the teaching-scientific process at the doctoral study, which the Department of Geography realized in two directions: tourism and environmental protection and regional and spatial planning.
Today, two female candidates are studying these courses in the third cycle of studies.
At the Department of Chemistry, in the academic year 2012/2013. In 2008, after the drafting and approval of the study, the third cycle study – doctoral study was launched, which is intended primarily for masters of chemical sciences and candidates who have completed the second cycle of study according to the Bologna principles, then for masters of chemistry and other candidates who have a corresponding degree at related faculties.
Ten students were enrolled in the first generation of doctoral studies, and in subsequent years a total of 20 candidates studied, three of whom defended their doctoral dissertations and obtained the title of Doctor of Chemical Sciences.
11 candidates were enrolled in the first year of doctoral studies at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science. The continuation of the teaching-scientific process in the following academic years resulted in the enrollment of ten new students, and eight of them have successfully completed their doctoral studies to date, obtaining the professional title of Doctor of Mathematics or Doctor of Computer Science.
In addition to natural and mathematical sciences, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, according to the Decision of the Senate of the University of Sarajevo number: 0101-I-1569/08, dated 05/14/2008, is also registered in the field of teaching methodology of natural and mathematical sciences. The teaching program at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo exists in all five departments in the first and second cycles of study according to the Bologna system of study.
On the basis of a joint assessment and initiative from all departments, it was indicated that there is a justified need to start the third cycle of natural and mathematical sciences in education according to the Bologna system, with the aim of achieving continuity in the teaching process and enabling the successive passing of studies after the I and II cycles at the teacher's majors of all departments.
Taking into account the previous facts, based on the Study Rules for the third cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo (December 2010) and the Study Rules and Guidelines for the third cycle of studies at the Faculty of Science (June 2010 and June 2011), the preparation of the study for the Joint Study of the III cycle (doctoral study) in education was started.
After the implementation of legal procedures and the adoption of all necessary documents and acts, the Faculty of Science, in the academic year 2013/3014. in 2008, began the teaching-scientific process in the joint third cycle – doctoral study “Natural and mathematical sciences in education”, enrolling the first generation of seven students.
Within the framework of the joint doctoral study in teaching programs (third-cycle study according to Bologna principles) at the departments of biology, physics, geography, chemistry, and mathematics of the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, candidates acquire active knowledge and develop research abilities and skills, which enables them to independently engage in scientific work.
The study consists of lectures and scientific research work within the framework of the preparation of a doctoral dissertation, which is valorized in four doctoral seminars and the defense of the doctoral dissertation. According to the curriculum, subjects are divided into four groups. The first consists of subjects from the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences. The second group includes subjects from the teaching methodology of individual subjects. The third group includes specific areas of natural and mathematical sciences (vocational courses), and the fourth group consists of courses/seminars that are directly realized during the candidate's scientific research activities and the preparation of a doctoral dissertation.
The curriculum is designed with a large number of optional subjects that cover various areas of contemporary research in the field of education in natural and mathematical sciences. In this way, students are offered a wide selection of current content from which the candidate will choose a doctoral topic. The basis of this study is scientific research activities within the framework of doctoral work, which candidates perform on the premises of the Faculty, within the framework of already formed scientific research teams and cabinets in various disciplines at individual departments, and/or inappropriate educational and research institutions.
In the study of the joint third cycle – a doctoral study in Natural and Mathematical Sciences in Education, ten doctoral students are currently involved in the teaching-scientific process, six of whom attend classes in mathematics in the education program, three students in the physics in education program, and one in the geography in education.
The structure of the third cycle of studies – doctoral study at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo is designed according to the following:
• biochemistry and physiology
• ecology
• genetics
• microbiology
- chemistry
- general direction
- applied mathematics
- theoretical computer science
- biology in education
- physics in education
- geography in education
- chemistry in education
- mathematics in education
Finally, it should be noted that the Bologna system at the Faculty of Science has significantly improved the teaching-scientific process in all three study cycles. Despite the present difficulties in the realization of education, the Faculty has adequately responded to the very high standards and requirements of studies according to the Bologna system in full scientific and teaching capacity with the maximum commitment of the teaching staff.