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About the study

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Basic information about the study

Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the Bologna Process in Berlin on September 19, 2003. Consequently, like other member states, it undertook to work towards fulfilling the set goals of the Bologna process, which, among other things, include the acceptance of a system of easily recognizable and comparable degrees by introducing a diploma supplement (Diploma Supplement), implementing a system based on three basic cycles, introducing credit system like ECTS (as a suitable model for acquiring and evaluating higher education qualifications) and the promotion of mobility of students and academic staff and European cooperation in order to improve the quality of qualifications and develop comparable criteria and methodologies.

Here, it should also be emphasized the promotion of the necessary European level in higher education, especially in the area of ​​curriculum development and innovation, inter-institutional cooperation, mobility systems, and integrated study programs in training and research and, among other things, ensuring the participation of students in the management of higher education institutions and the development of doctoral study through the synergy between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA).

As a member of the University of Sarajevo, the Faculty of Science is in the academic year 2005/2006. enrolled the first generation of students according to the Bologna principle. Respecting the legal provisions, new curricula and study programs were prepared and adopted, as well as a series of documents that were necessary for the implementation of studies according to the Bologna system.

At the 6th conference of European ministers responsible for higher education held in 2009, it was stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina made progress in the implementation of the Bologna process by adopting the Framework Law on Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thus implemented all the necessary legal and institutional prerequisites for the integration of our countries in the European system of higher education.

To this end, the Law on Higher Education of the Canton of Sarajevo was adopted and published in the “Official Gazette of the Canton of Sarajevo” number 43/08.

The mission of the faculty, throughout the mentioned 56-year period, was continuously focused on the education of experts in the field of natural and mathematical sciences through its activities.

The evolution of the educational process according to the highest educational standards was permanently adjusted to the demands of economic and social needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and has undergone significant changes since the period of separation into an independent public higher education institution.

The Faculty of Science and Mathematics is already deeply incorporated in the implementation of the Bologna Process. The existing curriculum has been substantially changed compared to the pre-Bologna curricula. New majors were introduced in the departments, which made studies at the Faculty of Science very attractive and recognizable even outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.