Dean's Message
Dear visitors,
Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo (PMF), a leading educational and scientific research institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the leaders in the wider region in the field of natural, mathematical and computer sciences.
Studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo are organized according to the Bologna principles in the first, second and third cycle as well as in the professional (two-year) study.
The faculty has five scientific and teaching departments and a large number of scientific research institutes, centers and laboratories that represent the basis for the organization of the teaching and scientific research process.
By carrying out scientific research of interest to Bosnia and Herzegovina and education based on it throughout all three study cycles, the Faculty creates highly qualified and respected experts capable of meeting the demands of a dynamic environment and the needs of sustainable development of the community in which they operate.
Through study programs and cooperation with the economy, mobility within the international academic community and additional extracurricular activities, the Faculty provides students with professional development with the aim of successful employment. Also, the Faculty takes care of the development of personnel potential, constant growth of quality and improvement of the international competitiveness of teaching and scientific activities.
As part of its activity, the Faculty works on developing learning skills and general professional competencies that enable continuing education and training for scientific research work in specialized fields.
The mission of the Faculty is in accordance with the objectives of the program activities, the compliance of which is periodically reviewed through the evaluation of the complementarity of study programs with the needs of planning and development of the local and wider social community.
With respect,
Dean of the Faculty
Professor Nusret Dresković, Ph.D.