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II study cycle

  /  II study cycle

Basic information about the II cycle of studies

In accordance with the enacted and adopted Study Rules, the Faculty of Science is in the academic year 2008/2009. began the teaching-scientific process of education in the II cycle of studies. The second cycle leads to the academic title of magister/master, which is obtained after the completion of the graduate studies, lasts one or two years, and is valued at 60 or 120 ECTS, so that together with the first cycle, it carries 300 ECTS.

The first generation of students according to the Bologna principles, who completed their three-year undergraduate studies (180 ECTS) at the departments of mathematics and physics, began their education at a two-year postgraduate study (120 ECTS).

The total number of students of the first generation according to the Bologna principles in the Department of Mathematics was nine in the fields of teaching, applied mathematics and theoretical and computer science, while the Department of Physics enrolled three students in the field of physics in education.

In the next academic year 2009/2010. In 2008, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics enrolled in the II cycle of studies according to the Bologna principles included all majors, so that the total number of students who started postgraduate studies was 133.

The first generation of students enrolled in the departments of biology, geography and chemistry (duration of two semesters – 60 ECTS), and the second generation of students in the departments of mathematics and physics.

The structure of the II cycle of studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics is carried out through the following departments and related courses:

(1 year – 60 ECTS)

  • Teaching major
  • Majoring in biochemistry and physiology
  • Major in ecology
  • Majoring in genetics
  • Majoring in microbiology

(1 year – 60 ECTS)

  • Teaching major
  • General direction

(1 year – 60 ECTS)

  • Teaching major
  • Regional and spatial planning
  • Tourism and environmental protection

(1 year – 60 ECTS)

  • Teaching major
  • General direction
  • Quality control and environmental protection

(2 years – 120 ECTS)

  • General direction
  • Applied mathematics
  • Teaching major
  • Theoretical computer science