Basic information about the first cycle of studies
The first generation of students according to the Bologna principles at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics began their studies in the academic year 2005/2006. year. Within the five departments, 428 students enrolled, thus starting the teaching-scientific process in the undergraduate studies conceived through models of four-year (240 ECTS) and three-year (180 ECTS) duration.
Diversification and the necessary need for an innovative and modern teaching-scientific process in the study structure were conceived by the formation of new courses in the departments of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in the first generation of studies according to the Bologna principles. That's right:
- The Department of Biology provides undergraduate education in the fields of biochemistry and physiology, teaching, ecology, genetics, and microbiology.
In addition to teaching, the Department of Geography has introduced tourism and environmental protection, as well as regional and spatial planning, with new curricula. - The Bologna process at the Department of Physics began the implementation of the teaching-scientific process through six courses: general, teaching (3 years), teaching (4 years), physics-mathematics, and physics – informatics and physics – chemistry.
- At the Department of Chemistry, the educational process is realized through the general and teaching direction,
- While the Department of Mathematics enrolled the first generation of students according to the Bologna principles in 4 majors – general, teaching (mathematics – informatics), theory and computer science, and applied mathematics.
Currently, the teaching-scientific process in the 1st cycle of studies at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics is realized by departments in the following study programs:
(4 years – 240 ECTS)
- Teaching major
- Majoring in biochemistry and physiology
- Major in ecology
- Majoring in genetics
- Majoring in microbiology
(4 years – 240 ECTS)
- Teaching major
- General direction
(4 years – 240 ECTS)
- Teaching major
- Regional and spatial planning
- Tourism and environmental protection
(4 years – 240 ECTS)
- Teaching major
- General direction
- Quality control and environmental protection
(3 years – 180 ECTS)
- General direction
- Applied mathematics
- Theoretical computer science
- Teaching major (mathematics)
- Teaching major (mathematics and informatics)
In doing so, one should bear in mind the fact that the teaching-scientific process at the undergraduate study of the Faculty of Science has been realized thanks to the great enthusiasm of its employees – teaching and non-teaching staff. First of all, this is reflected in the extremely high-class load of mandatory aspects of the teaching process, which often doubles the stipulated norms. According to the results achieved in the teaching-scientific process, this is still not reflected in the acceptable quality of teaching, as evidenced by numerous awards and the high rank that the Faculty of Science justifiably occupies in higher education at the level of the University and the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Faculty's originality and scientific referentiality resulted in the recognizable engagement of the teaching staff in the educational process at other members of the University in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, and abroad. It can be freely stated that the Faculty of Science and Mathematics is at the same time a “university in miniature” because the interaction and complementarity of its sciences resulted in an exceptional connection in the teaching process between the departments that make it up.